The environment is the existing all living and non-living things surrounding us. The environment exists in both living and non-living matters. The environment is made up of ecology, chemicals, biological material, and other natural atmospheres. When we discuss the environment, we are referring to the many connections that exist between the network and non-living entities. These connections are referred to as communication. It is essential for the media to report on environmental issues and the ways in which they affect people since these issues have an effect on human lives and the standards of living. When it comes to reporting on the environment, environmental journalism, also known as scientific journalism, serves a distinct purpose. Ineffective management, precarious financial situations, a rising illiteracy rate in Pakistan, and a growing population all contribute to the negative effects that population increase has on the environment.
Key Words:
Environmental Journalism, Climate Reporting, News Coverage, Print Media
The print has played a key role in the coverage of environmental problems around the world. Print media have a key role in environmental education, information, and awareness for many decades in history. In recent decades, environmental awareness in society's created attention of media towards exposure. The healthy media coverage of environmental issues society is becoming aware of actions to protect the environment globally. Print media engagement has created emotions of consciousness about problems of the environment locally and globally. One of the most significant angles and essential facts about environmental issues is the function that print media plays, which is something that can only be true in certain circumstances. The first step is that print media are accessible to a large portion of the population; the second step is that they are devoting some of their attention to environmental concerns; and the third step is that the public is particularly interested in information on environmental concerns (Shabbir, T., Abro, M. U. R., 2021). It is reported by the media in order to ensure that people review or listen to the corresponding plan, as well as read pieces from newspapers or other written journals that deal with concerns pertaining to the environment. Given that there is a lack of interest on the part of organizations in environmental journalism and that there is a lack of consistency in communicating environmental concerns and their awareness of society's sensitivity, Pakistan is among the most environmentally vulnerable nations in the global record. Environmental hazards that Pakistan is confronted with include a lack of natural resources, the spread of infectious diseases that affect renewable freshwater resources, the use of harmful insecticides, toxic waste of all kinds, solid waste, soil depletion, desertification, and the crushing of diversity, as well as industrial destruction, inappropriate executions, and other environmental problems. There has been a growth in pollution as the primary environmental problem in Pakistan, and this is mostly due to the lack of planning by connected governmental and commercial organizations. (Waris Ali Gabol and Aleem Ahmed, 2011)
Problem Statement
The environmental problems that are plaguing Pakistan are becoming more concerning and need the attention of policymakers, the government, and the media. There is a connection between the environment and the health of every human being; if the environment is safe, then both life and health will be guaranteed. Nothing is immune to the natural force that is in full touch with the environment and the problems that it presents. Despite the fact that the level of susceptibility varies from geographic location to geographic location and section to section. It is still considered to be one of the most environmentally susceptible nations. There is a lack of effective management of natural resources, and the environmental challenges that Pakistan is now facing are quite serious and need more investigation. In this context, the print media, namely the coverage of newspapers, has an essential role to play in furthering environmental communication, education, and awareness (Shabbir, T., Zehra, A., Babar, 2022).
Objectives of Study
1. To gather data from newspapers in Pakistan that have been published on significant environmental concerns.
2. To determine the frequency and length of newspaper articles, as well as to investigate the ways in which print media frames environmental news content.
3. To know how many environmental stories are placed on the front, middle, editorial, and back pages of following newspapers.
4. To observe how many environmental stories are scientific or general in nature.
5. To analyze the statistics of four Variables Frequency, length, nature, and placement regarding the environment in Pakistan.
Ten Environmental Problems in Pakistan
Water Crisis
The research conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) revealed that Pakistan is not taking enough precautions to deal with the impending water crisis, which is causing profound distress and posing a threat to the country's consistent resources. By the year 2025, the researchers predicted that the nations of South Asia will have dried up. It is not terrorism that is causing Pakistan the most destruction at the moment; rather, it is the water issue. Pakistan has been experiencing water-related issues, which have recently been discussed in national and international media as well as by policymakers. However, the most recent United Nations Development Programme report on the water crisis in Pakistan was insensitive, despite the fact that it was ignored by the authorities regarding the contradiction of South Asian countries to fight within the near future (Hassan et al. 2022).
Agriculture Crisis
Agriculture is considered the backbone of Pakistan's economy. Pakistan is an agricultural country and it has a main role in the contribution of Gross Domestic Product GDP. Pakistan has observed governance policies from the beginning. The economy of Pakistan mainly depends upon agriculture, unfortunately, Pakistan does not enhance the farmers and does not use technology to promote agricultural practices, hence the traditional methods of cultivation lead to weak agricultural production, and fields face crisis.
Pollution means contamination in the Environment. The Unnecessary supplies in the environment troubling the livelihood of Earth. Obviously, humans themselves are responsible for generating waste Materials in the atmosphere. About 10 million people in the world every year die from the consumption or inspiration of this kind of contamination (Kazi, 2014).
Climate Change
The fear of global warming and climate change in the country is due to the melting of weighty glaciers in the Himalayas Mountains, threatening the natural flow volume of the chief rivers of Pakistan. These changes in climate stress millions of people. As a result of climate change, the country's climate has frequently been unbalanced more than past several decades; that process continues. Pakistan has a very small contribution to total global greenhouse gases GHS emissions, it only contributes 1 % ranked lowest in the world in spite of this Pakistan is one of the most environmentally vulnerable countries. Pakistan has the smallest quantity of technology and economic steadiness to regulate its poor impacts.
Forest covers green space best for the natural face of the environment. It controls and determines the climate and patterns of weather to balance the CO2 rate in the environment. In recent decades due to industrialization and urbanization process, rapid deforestation occurred that disturbs the global natural temperature level intensity. A very fast and uncontrolled process of deforestation takes place because of weak departmental or governance issues. The rapid rate of deforestation or natural green cover devastation has created dangerous consequences in the form of disasters during recent decades. The deforestation process has major impacts on climate change and effects on the environment in Pakistan. Pakistan is largely affected due to the deforestation process and loss of main forest cover land. Pakistan has a very high rate of deforestation as 39000 H forests are cut every year, it is a very serious matter that due to this continuous forest-cutting process if not stopped immediately then Pakistan may lose most of its forest land within the next thirty years. (Ali, 2014)
Solid Waste
The term "solid waste management" (SWM) refers to the process of organizing the production, collection, storage, and discharge of solid waste in a way that is concerned with improving public health, economics, engineering, and public attitude. Consequently, it is necessary to provide the general population with information, education, acknowledgment, and reminders of their involvement in reducing waste and overcoming waste issues. The role of the media is to act as a transmitter of information to the general public, therefore bringing to the public's attention and fostering awareness of environmental concerns that are more general in nature, as well as those that are associated with waste management and control. What kind of attention does the media provide to problems that are associated with waste? The content of this study includes both quantitative and qualitative information. (V.S.I, Chu, et al., 2008).
Energy Crisis
Energy is considered the lifeline of any economic system and the fundamental machinery of the socioeconomic development of any country. The necessary machinery in different factories, and industries, lighting cities, and powering our vehicles is energy. Nowadays Pakistan is going through a huge electric power crisis. Current scenario of country appears to be impossible to overcome this energy crisis in the forthcoming future. To get a solution to the power crisis issue we need proper understanding and the right implementations are needed urgently.
CO2 Emission
CO2 Emissions are very common it has warmed up the planet Earth CO2 is majorly emitted from industries, vehicles, and deforestation.
Loss of Biodiversity
News of wildlife is the very least commonly covered news item in the media. A trend towards contradictory aspects with respect to species such as leopards and elephants was measured. The findings showed the same way of reporting between national, regional, and business newspapers with respect to species and frames covered. Business newspapers hardly ever reported wildlife-concerned news items. It is recommended that a fair and ecological approach to sensitize the audiences by different agencies be accepted to decrease misunderstanding and increase acceptance. (Salvador Lyngdoh, et, al 2017).
Over Population
Pakistan has over population rate of 1.89% as compared with other Muslim countries around the world. Pakistan in the context of the population growth rate left behind Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, and Malaysia at an overpopulation rate between 1.2 to 1.6 percent. Every year Pakistan's population rate increases by around 3.7 million people. At this population growth pace if we did not take serious measures then it would cross Indonesia by 2030 as a country with the largest population.
Literature Review
Research on environmental communication literature or difficulties was carried out by Pleasants et al. in 2002. They collected all of the relevant data from the area of public scientific magazine texts linked index from 1945 to 2001. The findings of their research study indicated that research in the communication of environmental concerns and its substance began to deteriorate in 1985, which was the year when the number of editorial pieces about the environment doubled. According to the findings of the study, a significant amount of educational literature on communication and environment has been published in a variety of publications that are dedicated to media and communication research. The Funk The year 1973, Houser et al. Had performed a study in 1960 on media trends and coverage of environmental concerns, and the findings revealed that environmental issues were extensively debated. The coverage of environmental news items was brief in the early 1960s due to the fact that environmental areas or beats were new to reporters. By the year 1969, the atmosphere had not yet developed into the primary news stories that were regularly covered in the press in both Canada and the United States.
On behalf, the number of environmental tales in a time frame rose from four pieces in 1961 to fourteen and nineteen in 1970. This progression occurred throughout the course of time. It was (Ali, 2012). In her thesis, which she wrote on the environmental problems that Lahore is experiencing and the reporting on those problems, she came to the conclusion that while Pakistan has environmental laws in place to preserve the environment, the country is still dealing with significant environmental problems. Within the context of this critical circumstance, the print media plays a crucial role and bears the obligation of creating and forming agreements amongst the many players of society, which include policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and the masses at the macro level. In this respect, the print media serves three primary tasks in relation to environmental discussions. Educating the public is the first step, followed by reporting, and finally, encouraging conversation amongst the masses is the third step. Its purpose is to mold the environment and the challenges it faces in a way that takes into account the authority of the environment to control it in a sustainable manner.
(Yousaf & Ali, 2013). The author has worked on reporting on the environment in the Pakistani press and analyzed the results, which revealed that environmental journalists encounter a variety of challenging situations. Most of the editorials that are published in Pakistan's major print media do not give environmental and climate change issues the prominence that they deserve. According to the findings of their investigation, Pakistan is now experiencing a number of wars and socio-political turmoil, both of which make it difficult for journalists to report and broadcast news. Based on the findings of the study, it was discovered that newspapers in Pakistan do not have editorial policies that are both arguable and objective. There is a lot of pressure being put on newspapers by governments, businesses, and newsrooms to demonstrate that journalists are really concerned about their health and safety.
The year (ScholarWorks et al., 2019) Marie. Have conducted a study on the framing of the media's coverage of climate change and the environment from 1989 to 2009, covering the period from 1989 to 2009. Approximately 476 articles were analyzed as part of the research, which used the content analysis approach. When it comes to covering up climate change, the findings indicate that the primary critical frames that were exploited were the financial and political frames. As a result of the study, there was a movement away from a neutral scientific framework and towards a legitimate scientific framework. The effects of climate change were portrayed as a significant political issue, as well as a social and cultural concern, in a number of different news periodicals. 1978 publication by Parlour and Schatzow. investigated the connection between the public and the media with respect to environmental concerns in Canada. Because of the findings, some academics believe that the practices of the media are responsible for change.
The findings of the study indicated that the media's attention shifted to other pressing topics, such as unemployment, inflation, and governance, in the early 1970s, which led to a drop in the reporting of environmental problems. (Sharif, 2018). and Fabien M. conducted research on the news coverage of climate change and environmental issues in Pakistan. The results of the study demonstrated that the political, social, economic, technological, and scientific aspects of the news stories had a significant impact on the way climate change is covered in the news.
Research Methodology
The methodology section discusses the methods being used in the research. The paper has a Quantitative way of dealing with data content analysis, Information-gathering methods, and investigation.
Content Analysis
The approach of content analysis was used in order to discover and investigate the coverage that newspapers in Pakistan have given to 10 of the most significant environmental concerns. It has been determined that the content of three major newspapers that were chosen for this publication has been measured appropriately. Among the publications that were chosen, the mainstream reporting in Pakistan was provided by The Daily Dawn, Daily Jang, and Daily Kawish. Among the English language newspapers, Daily Dawn is the most highly circulated and widely disseminated, while Daily Jang is widely distributed and renowned. However, Kawish is a regional newspaper that is published in Sindhi language, but Urdu is the language of publication. Data was obtained from these newspapers on the ten key environmental issues that have been identified (Ali, et al, 2022). These newspapers were used to acquire information about the significant environmental problems that are affecting people's lives in Pakistan. For the purpose of this research, the following environmental concerns were picked from the following news items, articles, features, columns, editorials, and letters to editors that were published in three different newspapers from the Karachi edition of 2022. Through the Sindhi Language Authority Reference Library's archive, the following newspapers were able to be accessible by the library. There is a distinct existence for each of the three newspapers, namely Daily Dawn, Daily Jang, and Daily Kawish, due to the fact that they have different readers, behaviors, sizes, and compositions.
Variables of Content Analysis
The term "frequency" refers to the number of times a story has been published on a certain topic. In this study, the frequency of ten key environmental concerns was assessed.
Stories published in newspapers the current environmental theme of stories was calculated and their lengths were measured as numerals of centimeters. The height and width of the following stories were calculated in Paper.
Placement is the most important aspect in determining the meanings of a news item. The placement is further divided into four sections. Front page, Middle Page, Editorial Page, and Back Page of Newspapers.
Framing decides the different aspects of any news story. It shows how the stories are being framed in this paper we will measure the frames of environmental stories whether these are scientific or general in nature.
Discussions and Results
Table 1 Dawn Newspapers Frequency and Length in 2022
Issues |
Frequency |
Percentage % |
Length in Cm |
Percentage |
Crisis |
33 Stories |
18.3 % |
H-685 CM W-617 CM |
19.7 % |
Crisis |
14 Stories |
7.7 % |
H-274 CM W-318 CM |
8.9 % |
Pollution |
25 Stories |
13 % |
H-541 CM W-537 CM |
16.3 % |
Change |
27 Stories |
15 % |
H-371 CM W-413 CM |
11.8 % |
Deforestation |
18 Stories |
10 % |
H-310 CM W-313 CM |
9.4 % |
Waste Management |
16 Stories |
8.8 % |
H-286 CM W-296 CM |
8.8 % |
Crisis |
22 Stories |
12.2 % |
H-352 CM W-348 CM |
10.6 % |
Emission |
2 Stories |
1.1 % |
H-44 CM W-63 CM |
1.6 % |
Population |
9 Stories |
5 % |
H-167 CM W-185 CM |
5.3 % |
of Biodiversity |
14 Stories |
7.7 % |
H-239 CM W-267 CM |
7.6 % |
Total 180 Stories |
Total length 6596
cm |
Description Table 1
In selected study year 2106 the Daily Dawn
newspaper has been given coverage to 180 stories on 10 Major environmental
issues the above table has mentioned the frequency and length of 10 issues. It
gave coverage to 28 percent of the water crisis with 33 stories with 29% total
length of height and width, it has given 11% with 14 stories to the agriculture
crisis with 13% length, it covered pollution 21% and 25 stories, with 24% total
length, it has given 23% with 27 stories to climate change with 18 % total length
while covered 15% with 18 stories to deforestation with 14 percentage of total
length in the whole year. CO2 with 1.1 percent 2 stories and 1.6% length,
Overpopulation 9 stories with 5 % and 5.3 % length, Solid Waste Management 16
stories, 8.8 % frequency, and 8.8 % length, Loss of biodiversity 14 stories
with 7.7% frequency and 7.6% length, Energy crisis 22 stories 12.2% frequency
and 10.6 % length.
Table 2 JANG Newspapers frequency and length in 2022
Issues |
Frequency |
Percentage % |
Length in Cm |
Percentage |
Crisis |
44 Stories |
28.3 % |
H-450 CM W-600 CM |
33.4% |
Crisis |
14 Stories |
9 % |
H-154 CM W-233 CM |
12.3 % |
Pollution |
33 Stories |
21.2 % |
H-273 CM W-361 CM |
20.2 % |
Change |
18 Stories |
11.6 % |
H-175 CM W-161 CM |
10.7 % |
Deforestation |
1 Stories |
0.64% |
H-8 CM W-9 CM |
0.54 % |
Waste Management |
10 Stories |
6.4 % |
H-94 CM W-107 CM |
6.41% |
Crisis |
30 Stories |
19.3 % |
H-318 CM W-399 CM |
22.8 % |
Emission |
1 Stories |
0.64 % |
H- 12CM W-14 CM |
0.82 % |
Population |
3 Stories |
1.9 % |
H-46 CM W-34 CM |
2.5 % |
of Biodiversity |
1 Stories |
0.64 % |
H-11 CM W-12 CM |
0.73% |
Total 155 stories |
Total Length 3135
Cm |
Description of Table
no 2
In the year 2022 the Daily Jang totally has
given coverage to 155 environmental stories, the above table shows shown
frequency and length of ten major environmental issues. It has given 40% of 44
stories to water crisis with 43% total length, it covered 12% with 14 stories
of agriculture crisis with 15% of length, daily jang given 30% with 33 stories
to pollution with 26% of length, it has given 16 % with 18 stories to climate
change, it has given 0.90% with 1 single story to deforestation with 0.71 % of
length. C02 1 story 0.64 % frequency and 0.82% length, Overpopulation 3
stories,1.9% frequency and 2.5 % lengths, Loss of Biodiversity 1 story 0.64 %
frequency and 0.74 % of length, Solid Waste Management 10 stories 6.4 %
frequency and 6.41% total length and Energy Crisis 30 stories 19.3% frequencies
and 22.8% of Total length.
Table 3
Issues |
Frequency |
Percentage % |
Length in Cm |
Percentage |
Crisis |
35 Stories |
41.17 % |
H-301 CM W-365 CM |
39.5 % |
Crisis |
3 Stories |
3.5 % |
H-12 CM W-25 CM |
2.1 % |
Pollution |
22 Stories |
25.8 % |
H-230 CM W-320 CM |
32.6 % |
Change |
5 Stories |
5.8 % |
H-20 CM W-28 CM |
2.8 % |
Deforestation |
8 Stories |
9.4 % |
H-70 CM W-96 CM |
9.8 % |
Waste Management |
4 Stories |
4.7 % |
H- 67 CM W-30 CM |
5.7 % |
Crisis |
1 Stories |
1.1 % |
H-3 CM W-8 CM |
0.65 % |
Emission |
0 Stories |
0 % |
H- 0CM W-0 CM |
0 % |
Population |
1 Stories |
1.7 % |
H-4 CM W-8 CM |
0.71 % |
of Biodiversity |
6 Stories |
7 % |
H-38 CM W-57 CM |
5.64 % |
Total 85 Stories |
Total Length 1682
Cm |
Description of the table no 3
In 2022 whole year Daily Kawish has given 85
of the total stories to the following ten environmental issues. It has covered
47% with 35 stories water crisis 45% of the total length, 4% with 3 stories
agriculture crisis 2.5% of the length, it has given coverage to pollution 30%
with 22 stories with 37.4% of the total length, climate change 6% with 5
stories and 3.27% total length, and deforestation 10% with 8 stories and 11.13
% length. Overpopulation is 1 story with 1.7% frequency, Loss of Biodiversity 6
stories with 7 % frequency and 5.64% Total length. Solid Waste Management 4
stories, 4.7% frequencies and 5.7% length. Energy Crisis 1 story 1.1 %
frequency and 0.64% total length.
Table 4
Issues |
Frequency |
General |
Scientific |
Crisis |
33 Stories |
27 |
6 |
Crisis |
14 Stories |
12 |
2 |
Pollution |
25 Stories |
18 |
7 |
Change |
27 Stories |
18 |
9 |
Deforestation |
18 Stories |
15 |
3 |
Waste Management |
16 Stories |
14 |
2 |
Crisis |
22 Stories |
18 |
4 |
Emission |
2 Stories |
1 |
1 |
Population |
9 Stories |
7 |
2 |
of Biodiversity |
14 Stories |
11 |
3 |
Total 180 Stories |
141 |
39 |
Description Table no 4
Daily Dawn gives coverage to 10 environmental
issues with a Variable of Stories Scientific or General in Nature. The water
crisis has 33 stories of 27 stories are General in Nature while 6 are
scientific Nature, agriculture 12 General and 2 are Scientific nature,
Pollution 18 Stories General while 7 are General in Nature, Climate change 18
general 7 scientific, Deforestation 15 general, and 3 scientific, Solid Waste
14 General 2 scientific nature, energy crisis 18 general while 4 scientific
nature, Co2 1 general and 1 scientific, Overpopulation 7 General and 2
Scientific, Loss of Biodiversity 11 General while 3 are Scientific in Nature.
Table 5 Daily Jang Nature of Stories in 2022
Issues |
Frequency |
General |
Scientific |
Water Crisis |
44 Stories |
44 |
0 |
Agriculture Crisis |
14 Stories |
14 |
0 |
Pollution |
33 Stories |
33 |
0 |
Climate Change |
18 Stories |
14 |
4 |
Deforestation |
1 Stories |
1 |
0 |
Solid Waste Management |
10 Stories |
10 |
0 |
Energy Crisis |
30 Stories |
28 |
2 |
Co2-Cm Emission |
1 Stories |
1 |
0 |
Over Population |
3 Stories |
2 |
1 |
Loss of Biodiversity |
1 Stories |
1 |
0 |
Total 155 Stories |
148 |
7 |
Description Table 5
Daily Jang has given coverage to 10
environmental issues with a Variable of Stories Scientific or General in
Nature. Water crisis has 44 stories of 44 stories are General in Nature while
no any story scientific Nature, agriculture 14 General and no Scientific
nature, Pollution 33 Stories General while no any scientific in Nature, Climate
change general 14 and 4 scientific, Deforestation 1 general and no scientific,
Solid Waste 10 General no scientific nature, energy crisis 28 general while 2
scientific nature, Co2 1 general and no scientific, Overpopulation 3 General
and 1 Scientific, Loss of Biodiversity 1 General while no Scientific in Nature.
Table 6 Daily Kawish Nature of Stories in 2022
Issues |
Frequency |
General |
Scientific |
Water Crisis |
35 Stories |
35 |
0 |
Agriculture Crisis |
3 Stories |
3 |
0 |
Pollution |
22 Stories |
24 |
2 |
Climate Change |
5 Stories |
4 |
1 |
Deforestation |
8 Stories |
8 |
0 |
Solid Waste
Management |
4 Stories |
4 |
0 |
Energy Crisis |
1 Stories |
1 |
0 |
Co2-Cm Emission |
0 Stories |
0 |
0 |
Over Population |
1 Stories |
1 |
0 |
Loss of
Biodiversity |
6 Stories |
6 |
0 |
Total 85 Stories |
82 |
3 |
Description Table 6
Daily Kawish has given coverage to 10
environmental issues with a Variable of Stories Scientific or General in
Nature. Water crisis has 35 stories of 35 stories are General in Nature while
no story scientific Nature, agriculture 3 General and no Scientific nature,
Pollution 24 Stories General while 2 scientific in Nature, Climate change
general 4 and 1 scientific, Deforestation 8 general and no scientific, Solid
Waste 4 General no scientific nature, energy crisis 1 general while no
scientific nature, Co2 0 general and no scientific, Overpopulation 1 General
and no Scientific, Loss of Biodiversity 6 General while no Scientific in
When exploring major environmental issues in Pakistan through two National one Regional newspapers Dawn, Jang, and Kawish the findings showed that Pakistani print media does not plan major environmental issues at a national level. One year 2022 studied with the help of two national and one regional newspaper shows print media in Pakistan limited the theme of environment to event-based reporting for example: news about protests about water crisis, weather forecasts, and press briefings and article writing no more in-depth insights and research derived from newspapers coverage, most covered stories are traditional way of reporting as compared to scientific insights Khanam, M., et. al, 2023). The placement of environmental stories in Pakistani print media is not a major concern on the front headlines page and editorial page while the Environment has rare Space on the back and Middle pages of newspapers while politics, governance, and security issues are major feeds in Pakistani Press.
Ali, A., Riaz, S., & Iqbal, S. (2014). Deforestation and its impacts on climate change An overview of Pakistan. Papers on Global Change/Papers on Global Change IGBP, 21(1), 51–60.
Ali S. (2012) Thesis Environmental Problems of Lahore and their Reporting, Lahore School of Economics.
Ali, A., Shabbir, T., & Ali, W. (2022). A Literature Review on Public Leadership in Organizations. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership, 1–10.
(Kazi A. 2014). Appraisal of air and water pollution in Hyderabad and Karachi, Pakistan. Quaid-e-Awam university research journal of engineering, science & technology, volume 13, no, 1, Jan-June 2014
Khanam, M., Farooqui, Y. S., Ramzan, M., Shabbir, T., & Nadeemullah, M. (2023). THE ROLE OF MEDIA IN PROMOTING ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS. Russian Law Journal, 11
ScholarWorks, S., McCann, M., & McCann, M. (2019). A Framing Study of Media Coverage on Climate Change from 1989 to 2009. h
Pleasant, A., Good, J., Shanahan, J., & Cohen, B. (2002). The literature of environmental communication. Public Understanding of Science, 11(2), 197–205.
Shabbir, T., Abro, M. U. R., Gillani, A. H., Uddin, S. S., & Ansari, U. (2021). An Analysis of the Metaphors Used in Political News Coverage (A Context to Pakistani Private News Channel). Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12(7), 7103–7113.
Shabbir, T., Zehra, A., Babar, A. A., & Ansari, U. (2022). Evaluating the building capabilities in order to promote long-term agricultural development in Pakistan.
Sharif, A. a. M., & Medvecky, F. (2018). Climate change news reporting in Pakistan: a qualitative analysis of environmental
Yousaf, Z., & Ali, E. (2013). Reporting of Environmental Issues in Pakistani Press. World Applied Sciences Journal. h
Ali, A., Riaz, S., & Iqbal, S. (2014). Deforestation and its impacts on climate change An overview of Pakistan. Papers on Global Change/Papers on Global Change IGBP, 21(1), 51–60.
Ali S. (2012) Thesis Environmental Problems of Lahore and their Reporting, Lahore School of Economics.
Ali, A., Shabbir, T., & Ali, W. (2022). A Literature Review on Public Leadership in Organizations. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership, 1–10.
(Kazi A. 2014). Appraisal of air and water pollution in Hyderabad and Karachi, Pakistan. Quaid-e-Awam university research journal of engineering, science & technology, volume 13, no, 1, Jan-June 2014
Khanam, M., Farooqui, Y. S., Ramzan, M., Shabbir, T., & Nadeemullah, M. (2023). THE ROLE OF MEDIA IN PROMOTING ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS. Russian Law Journal, 11
ScholarWorks, S., McCann, M., & McCann, M. (2019). A Framing Study of Media Coverage on Climate Change from 1989 to 2009. h
Pleasant, A., Good, J., Shanahan, J., & Cohen, B. (2002). The literature of environmental communication. Public Understanding of Science, 11(2), 197–205.
Shabbir, T., Abro, M. U. R., Gillani, A. H., Uddin, S. S., & Ansari, U. (2021). An Analysis of the Metaphors Used in Political News Coverage (A Context to Pakistani Private News Channel). Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12(7), 7103–7113.
Shabbir, T., Zehra, A., Babar, A. A., & Ansari, U. (2022). Evaluating the building capabilities in order to promote long-term agricultural development in Pakistan.
Sharif, A. a. M., & Medvecky, F. (2018). Climate change news reporting in Pakistan: a qualitative analysis of environmental
Yousaf, Z., & Ali, E. (2013). Reporting of Environmental Issues in Pakistani Press. World Applied Sciences Journal. h
Cite this article
APA : Arain, G. S., Chandio, D. A., & Kalhoro, Y. A. (2024). Analyzing the Coverage of Environment News in Major Newspapers of Sindh Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, IX(I), 104-114. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2024(IX-I).09
CHICAGO : Arain, Ghulam Shabir, Dastar Ali Chandio, and Yasir Ali Kalhoro. 2024. "Analyzing the Coverage of Environment News in Major Newspapers of Sindh Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, IX (I): 104-114 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2024(IX-I).09
HARVARD : ARAIN, G. S., CHANDIO, D. A. & KALHORO, Y. A. 2024. Analyzing the Coverage of Environment News in Major Newspapers of Sindh Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, IX, 104-114.
MHRA : Arain, Ghulam Shabir, Dastar Ali Chandio, and Yasir Ali Kalhoro. 2024. "Analyzing the Coverage of Environment News in Major Newspapers of Sindh Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, IX: 104-114
MLA : Arain, Ghulam Shabir, Dastar Ali Chandio, and Yasir Ali Kalhoro. "Analyzing the Coverage of Environment News in Major Newspapers of Sindh Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, IX.I (2024): 104-114 Print.
OXFORD : Arain, Ghulam Shabir, Chandio, Dastar Ali, and Kalhoro, Yasir Ali (2024), "Analyzing the Coverage of Environment News in Major Newspapers of Sindh Pakistan", Global Mass Communication Review, IX (I), 104-114
TURABIAN : Arain, Ghulam Shabir, Dastar Ali Chandio, and Yasir Ali Kalhoro. "Analyzing the Coverage of Environment News in Major Newspapers of Sindh Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review IX, no. I (2024): 104-114. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2024(IX-I).09