01 Pages : 1-11
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- Ali, A. (2017). Celebrating 70 Years of Pakistani Art: A Brief Discussion. YOULIN MAGAZINE. A cultural journal. https://www.youlinmagazine.com/articl e/celebrating-70-years-of-pakistani-art-a- brief-discussion/OTA1
- Bakke, G., & Peterson, M. (2016). Anthropology of Arts. https://www.fishpond.com/Books/A nthropology-of-Arts-Gretchen- Bakke-Edited-by-Marina-Peterson- Edited-by/9781472585929
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- Mripa, A. X. (2017). Art as the catalyst for social change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLTBz vHBK4s
- Pablo Picasso Paintings, Quotes, & Biography. (20th century). https://www.biography.com/artist/ pablo-picasso
- Rahi, M. (2021). Mansoor Rahi Paintings & Art Work. Clifton Art Gallery. http://cliftonartgallery.com/artist/mansoor- rahi/
- Reskin, B. F., & Bielby, D. D. (2005). A Sociological Perspective on Gender and Career Outcomes. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(1), 71-86. https://doi.org/10.1257/0895330053148 010
- Shah, S. A., Shah, A. A., & Li, X. (2018). Assessment of the History and Cultural Inclusion of Public Art in Pakistan. Assessment of the History and Cultural Inclusion of Public Art in Pakistan. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints20180 2.0117.v1
- USAID, HC3. (2021). Integrating Gender into Social and Behaviour Change Communication. https://sbccimplementationkits.org/gen der/key-gender-concepts/
- Vanderstoep, S. W., & Johnston, D. D. (January 2009). Research Methods in Everyday Life: Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 1-353. https://www.pdfdrive.com/research- methods-for-everyday-life-blending- qualitative-and-quantitative-approaches- research-methods-for-the-social- sciences-e161070302.html
- What is visual art? (2016, September 9). Unbound Visual Arts. https://www.unboundvisualarts.org/what- is-visual-art/
- Zuo, J., & Tang, S. (2000). Breadwinner Status and Gender Ideologies of Men and Women regarding Family Roles. Sociological Perspectives, 43(1), 29-43. https://doi.org/10.2307/1389781
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APA : Fatima, H. (2021). Communicating Social Perceptions of Art as a Profession in Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, VI(IV), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-IV).01
CHICAGO : Fatima, Huma. 2021. "Communicating Social Perceptions of Art as a Profession in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, VI (IV): 1-11 doi: 10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-IV).01
HARVARD : FATIMA, H. 2021. Communicating Social Perceptions of Art as a Profession in Pakistan. Global Mass Communication Review, VI, 1-11.
MHRA : Fatima, Huma. 2021. "Communicating Social Perceptions of Art as a Profession in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, VI: 1-11
MLA : Fatima, Huma. "Communicating Social Perceptions of Art as a Profession in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review, VI.IV (2021): 1-11 Print.
OXFORD : Fatima, Huma (2021), "Communicating Social Perceptions of Art as a Profession in Pakistan", Global Mass Communication Review, VI (IV), 1-11
TURABIAN : Fatima, Huma. "Communicating Social Perceptions of Art as a Profession in Pakistan." Global Mass Communication Review VI, no. IV (2021): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gmcr.2021(VI-IV).01