
, Issue-I

(FALL 2017)

01 - Reporting Balochistan Conflict: An analysis of Professional Constraints on Journ...
Published : Dec 2017

    This research was conducted to investigate the main causes, pressures that affect the media reporting on Baluchistan conflict. The researcher conducted interview and survey of different reporters, journalists and media managers who work on Balochistan Conflict for fair assessment. The target population in this study was working journalists, press club leaders. The researcher conducted face to face... Details
    Baluchistan Conflict, Reporting, Journalists, challenges
    (1) Syed Atif Abbas Shirazi
    Reporter, Department of Jang Group of Publication, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

02 - Role of TV Talk Shows in Creating Political Awareness among Youth...
Published : Dec 2017

    Media in Iraq after 2003 has become very effervescent in providing useful information to the people. In this research the political perspective of media information was studied where it was gauged that how media is creating awareness among masses of Iraq, as news talk shows have become integral part of electronic media in the world and it has established its trustworthiness. The researcher desires... Details
    Talk Shows, Media, Democracy, Youth
    (1) MakiRessan Abdullah Mamori
    Student, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Syed Inam ur Rahman
    Teacher, Department of Media and Communication Studies, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

03 - World Domination Games and its Impact on the 21st Century ...
Published : Dec 2017

    No other element impacted the historical conditions of the preceding 100 years to such an extent as the war to secure and control the world's reserves of petroleum. Sustainable economic growth after 1873, that discouraged British Empire, arose mechanical economies in Europe. Central Asia remained the object of rivalries and machination by the giant countries of the Europe. World Domination Games s... Details
    Great Game, New Great Game, Game Changer, Prefect Game, Pillage Game, Ideologies, World War I & World War II
    (1) Haseeb Ur Rehman Warrich
    Assistant Professor, Department of Arts & Media, Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Rehman
    Lecturer, Department of Arts & Media, Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Sahrish Jamil
    Lecturer, Department of Arts & Media, Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.

04 - Exploration of Public Perception regarding Crime Raid Shows of Pakistani TV News...
Published : Dec 2017

    Effects of television are very gigantic and enormous in terms of influencing the mind-set of audience through multiple tactics i.e., presentation styles, formats, language or even contents itself. However, crime and violence constitute major portion of media content and on the other hand, have significant impacts while producing changes in the behaviours of the audience as a result of constant exp... Details
    Fear, Crime, Media Responsibility, Desensitization, Violence, Aggression, and Media accountability
    (1) Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar
    Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Sadaf Zahra
    Research Associate, Faculty of Media & Communication Studies, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Khayam Hassan
    Visiting Lecturer, Department of Media & Communication Studies, University of Swat, KP, Pakistan.

05 - Private Channels' Dramas and Female Viewers Perceptions...
Published : Dec 2017

    This study was designed to explore females' watching habits of private channels' television dramas and its impacts on their perceptions. The main purpose of this study was planning to explore the perceptions of viewers about private channels dramas. Private TV channels are attracting the public magnetically. It was also found out that whether uses and gratification model was assimilated according ... Details
    TV Channels, Uses and Gratification, Cluster Sampling, Survey Methods, Dramas
    (1) Tayaab Raza
    Career Advisor, Beaconhouse School Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Salman Amin
    Lecturer, Department of Arts and Media, Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Sajjad Ali
    Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Swat, KP, Pakistan.